See below for inspiration for your next train trip with Hull Trains!
Hull Trains Travel Information

Hull Trains Timetables
For our timetable details and to download a PDF version of our timetable, visit our Timetables page. Choose from regular, daily services.
View our Timetable
Hull Leisure Return
Travel to Hull and back for £10 or less with our Hull Leisure Return ticket offer.

Live Travel Information
Keep up to date with the current live departures and arrivals for stations on the Hull Trains network and beyond!
Live Times
Hull Trains Timetables
For our timetable details and to download a PDF version of our timetable, visit our Timetables page. Choose from regular, daily services.
View our Timetable
Hull Leisure Return
Travel to Hull and back for £10 or less with our Hull Leisure Return ticket offer.

Live Travel Information
Keep up to date with the current live departures and arrivals for stations on the Hull Trains network and beyond!

Destination London
London is a great destination for days trip and weekends away. Read our destination guide for where to eat, drink and make the most of the capital's amazing attractions.
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Hull Trains Route
The Hull Trains route passes some fantastic destinations to explore with friends and family. View our individual area guides for the best places to eat, drink and enjoy.
Our Destinations
Visit Hull
Travelling North? Visit our Hull destination page for the latest on where to eat, drink, shop and what to see. It's a great city to enjoy, from the Marina to the Old Town.
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Destination London
London is a great destination for days trip and weekends away. Read our destination guide for where to eat, drink and make the most of the capital's amazing attractions.
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Hull Trains Route
The Hull Trains route passes some fantastic destinations to explore with friends and family. View our individual area guides for the best places to eat, drink and enjoy.
Our Destinations
Visit Hull
Travelling North? Visit our Hull destination page for the latest on where to eat, drink, shop and what to see. It's a great city to enjoy, from the Marina to the Old Town.
Find Out More