Beverley to Howden Station
Hull Trains run 2 direct services between Beverley station and Howden station each weekday and there is 1 service on weekends. You can travel to Howden in around 45 minutes in comfort on board our trains. There are daily morning services departing Beverley and returning each evening covering the 19 miles distance to the charming market town of Howden.
Howden has a small train station but you’ll find rail connections to destinations such as London, Bridlington and York.
Enjoy a range of on board facilities on our trains between Beverley/Hull and London King’s Cross including: free Wi-Fi and at-seat plug and USB sockets, a First Class carriage with a dedicated First Class host, improved luggage storage, designated bicycle storage and accessible seating.
Find useful travel information on our website and keep up to date on everything from our latest timetables and station information to live times and FAQs.
Howden has a small train station but you’ll find rail connections to destinations such as London, Bridlington and York.
Enjoy a range of on board facilities on our trains between Beverley/Hull and London King’s Cross including: free Wi-Fi and at-seat plug and USB sockets, a First Class carriage with a dedicated First Class host, improved luggage storage, designated bicycle storage and accessible seating.
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