06:06 Beverley to London Kings Cross due 09:14 is being delayed between Selby and Doncaster and is now expected to be 10 minutes late. This is due to a problem currently under investigation.
For assistance with your journey, please follow @Hull_Trains or @nationalrailenq on Twitter for the latest updates. You can also find live disruption information on the National Rail website at www.nationalrail.co.uk or our Hull Trains website at https://www.journeycheck.com/hulltrains/
06:06 Beverley to London Kings Cross due 09:14 is being delayed between Selby and Doncaster and is now expected to be 10 minutes late. This is due to a problem currently under investigation.
For assistance with your journey, please follow @Hull_Trains or @nationalrailenq on Twitter for the latest updates. You can also find live disruption information on the National Rail website at www.nationalrail.co.uk or our Hull Trains website at https://www.journeycheck.com/hulltrains/
Last Updated:07:28:11 21/11/2024
Torre Station
Live times and facilities information for Torre Station
Meeting Point for assistance: Please make your way onto the platform and make the onboard team member aware you require assistance.
Step Free Access
Step-free category B3 station - “Some step-free access, may be in one direction only.” This station has a degree of step free access to the down platform to Torquay however the north bound platform towards Exeter can only be accessed via a step bridge.
This station does not offer
Accessible Booking Office Counter, Accessible Public Telephones, Accessible Taxis, National Key Toilets, Wheelchairs Available