06:06 Beverley to London Kings Cross due 09:14 is being delayed between Selby and Doncaster and is now expected to be 10 minutes late. This is due to a problem currently under investigation.
For assistance with your journey, please follow @Hull_Trains or @nationalrailenq on Twitter for the latest updates. You can also find live disruption information on the National Rail website at www.nationalrail.co.uk or our Hull Trains website at https://www.journeycheck.com/hulltrains/
06:06 Beverley to London Kings Cross due 09:14 is being delayed between Selby and Doncaster and is now expected to be 10 minutes late. This is due to a problem currently under investigation.
For assistance with your journey, please follow @Hull_Trains or @nationalrailenq on Twitter for the latest updates. You can also find live disruption information on the National Rail website at www.nationalrail.co.uk or our Hull Trains website at https://www.journeycheck.com/hulltrains/
Last Updated:07:28:11 21/11/2024
Nairn Station
Live times and facilities information for Nairn Station
The toilets are located in the Waiting Room. The toilets can be electronically opened by staff in the Ticket Office. The toilet facilities are only available during Ticket Office opening hours.