06:06 Beverley to London Kings Cross due 09:14 is being delayed at Beverley. This is due to a points failure.
For assistance with your journey, please follow @Hull_Trains or @nationalrailenq on Twitter for the latest updates. You can also find live disruption information on the National Rail website at www.nationalrail.co.uk or our Hull Trains website at https://www.journeycheck.com/hulltrains/
06:06 Beverley to London Kings Cross due 09:14 is being delayed at Beverley. This is due to a points failure.
For assistance with your journey, please follow @Hull_Trains or @nationalrailenq on Twitter for the latest updates. You can also find live disruption information on the National Rail website at www.nationalrail.co.uk or our Hull Trains website at https://www.journeycheck.com/hulltrains/
Last Updated:06:33:42 05/11/2024
Keith Station
Live times and facilities information for Keith Station