06:06 Beverley to London Kings Cross due 09:14 is being delayed between Selby and Doncaster and is now expected to be 10 minutes late. This is due to a problem currently under investigation.
For assistance with your journey, please follow @Hull_Trains or @nationalrailenq on Twitter for the latest updates. You can also find live disruption information on the National Rail website at www.nationalrail.co.uk or our Hull Trains website at https://www.journeycheck.com/hulltrains/
06:06 Beverley to London Kings Cross due 09:14 is being delayed between Selby and Doncaster and is now expected to be 10 minutes late. This is due to a problem currently under investigation.
For assistance with your journey, please follow @Hull_Trains or @nationalrailenq on Twitter for the latest updates. You can also find live disruption information on the National Rail website at www.nationalrail.co.uk or our Hull Trains website at https://www.journeycheck.com/hulltrains/
Last Updated:07:28:11 21/11/2024
Conwy Station
Live times and facilities information for Conwy Station
There are no platform staff available at this station. Assistance will be provided by the Conductor on the train.
Step Free Access
Category B2.
Separate step-free access to each platform:
Platform 1 (to Chester) available from Market Place car park, itself accessible via roadway ramp from Rosemary Lane.
Step-free access to Platform 2 (to Holyhead) is possible via Twr Llewelyn off the Morfa Bach car park, which has a steep incline and uneven surface in places.
Step-free access between platforms is only possible by taking a 400m route via Twr Llewelyn to Morfa Bach car park, a subway and partially cobbled path onto Rose Hill Street.
Platform 2 is also accessible via a staircase adjacent to Rosemary Terrace on Rosemary Lane.
This station does not offer
Accessible Booking Office Counter, Accessible Public Telephones, Accessible Taxis, Accessible Ticket Machines, Impaired Mobility Set Down, National Key Toilets, Wheelchairs Available