Rail Passenger Rights and Obligations Regulations – Article 28
Hull Trains Quality Standards – Rail Service Quality Report for Financial Year 2023/24
1) Information and tickets2) Punctuality and general principles to cope with disruption to services
3) Cancellation of services
4) Cleanliness of rolling stock and station facilities
5) Customer satisfaction survey
6) Complaint handling refunds and compensation
7) Passenger Assistance
1. Information and ticket sales
Before travelInformation about our travel classes and availability of onboard services is available at Your Experience and from our Customer Services team.
Provision of information during the journey
All of our trains have clear signage throughout, giving information about the location and availability of onboard toilets and priority seating. Customers can also ask any member of our onboard team for this information.
Information regarding the next station will be announced onboard by our On Board Managers and automated announcing system.
In the case of delays the On Board Manager will announce information at appropriate intervals.
The On Board Manager will also make announcements about main connecting services.
Information about incidents which cause significant disruption is available from our Customer Services team and on our Live Disruption webpage.
Safety information can be found onboard, and the On Board Manager will also make announcements shortly before departure. Further announcements are made shortly after departure.
As we do not operate any stations, requests for information are handled by the station operator who provides staff or Help Points to assist with any queries.
Our train timetables are available on our Timetables webpage or through our app which can be downloaded from your local app store.
Information about train platforms can be found on our app in the ‘live trains’ section, on the National Rail website and on customer information screens at stations.
Ticket buying facilities
Customers can buy tickets for travel in advance or on the day of travel using our app or our website or from our On Board Manager on the train.
Although we do not operate any stations there are staff at most stations at which we call. Details of the staffing provision for each station can be found on our Station Information webpage.
There are ticket selling facilities, be it a staffed booking office or ticket vending machine at each station at which we call. Details of these can be found on our Station Information webpage.
Information on accessibility, access conditions and availability of onboard facilities for disabled people, people with reduced mobility and older people, is available on request from all staffed stations at which we call, our Passenger Assist team on 0800 316 1323, the Passenger Assist webpage; through the Passenger Assist app by Transreport (which is available from your local app store) or using our WhatsApp number on 07816123149, available 24/7 except Christmas Day and Boxing Day when we are closed.
2. Punctuality and general principles to cope with disruption to services
DelaysAt Hull Trains we set ourselves high standards of train punctuality and make every effort to get passengers to their destination on time.
The table below shows our performance relating to delays from the start of Period 01 (01/04/23) 2023/24 to the end of Period 13 (31/03/24) 2023/24.
Performance area | Target | Actual |
% of all trains arriving within 10 mins of their final destination | 85.8% | 81.6% |
% of all trains delayed at their origin departure station | N/A | 16% |
% of all trains delayed at their arrival destination station | N/A |
59.3% |
% of all trains delayed at their arrival destination station by 60 - 119 minutes | N/A | 0.6% |
% of all trains delayed at their arrival destination station by 120 minutes or more | N/A | 0.2% |
Where trains may be delayed or disrupted, we will make every effort to help customers. Detailed information on this can be found in our ‘Passenger Information During Disruption – Local Delivery Plan which can be found on our Refunds and Delay Repay webpage.
The 10 minute timescale is adhered to even if no new information has been received and the disruption has reached a steady state.
Information about connections and onward travel will be available from the On Board Manager. They will also make an announcement regarding whether compensation is applicable.
We will make every effort to give customers a refreshments (not including alcohol) appropriate to the circumstances, location and duration of the delay.
Where a delay or cancellation of a Hull Trains service means that you have missed the last connection of the day or that you will not reach your destination at a reasonable time, we will either arrange for transport back to where you started your journey (and then allow you to travel the next day) or to your destination. If this is not possible, we will provide overnight accommodation so that you can travel the next day. We will not pay for accommodation which has not been authorised by ourselves. If you decide not to travel as a result of a delay or cancellation of your service, and if we sold you the ticket, we will give you a full refund; otherwise, you should seek a refund from the point of purchase (unless this is the return portion of your ticket, in which case we will refund this).
When services are disrupted, we will aim to issue information through travel bulletins on local radio and television, and also through social media such as X (Twitter). Live travel information is also available on our Live Disruption webpage.
For delays to our services we will make the following compensation available to customers:
All ticket holders may apply for compensation. The level of compensation is outlined below:
For journey delays* of between:
• 30-59 minutes’ delay: compensation of at least 50% of the cost of a single ticket or 50% of the relevant portion of a return ticket;
• 60 or more minutes’ delay: compensation of at least 100% of the cost of a single ticket or 100% of the relevant portion of a return ticket.
To apply for Delay Repay compensation please visit our online Delay Repay webpage or collect a form from one of the stations at which we call.
To apply for a refund, customers should go back to their point of purchase to obtain this. If you bought through the Hull Trains website, app or via our Passenger Assist Telesales team, please visit our Refund webpage.
3. Cancellation of services
When trains are cancelled, we provide the same information and help we give to customers affected by delays, and the same compensation policy applies.The table below shows our performance relating to cancellations from the start of Period 1 (01/04/23) 2023/24 to the end of Period 13 (31/03/24) 2023/24. We improved performance relating to cancellations compared to the previous year, despite some significant disruptions.
Performance area | Target (all services) | Actual |
% of all trains cancelled which were due to run | 2.3% | 2.3% |
4. Cleanliness of rolling stock and station facilities
Train Cleaning and Cleaning IntervalsOur trains are cleaned after each commercial service and we also undertake periodic deep cleaning operations. On all services we have in journey cleaners that focus on maintaining the overall level of cleanliness en-route.
All of our trains are equipped with air conditioning. Should this fail our On Board Manager will do everything they can to move customers to an alternative carriage.
Each of our 5 trains has 5 air condition units on board. Our performance for these in the 2023/24 financial year was:
Performance area | Actual |
Number of air con units out of service | 2 |
Performance area | Actual (Days) |
Length of time that these air con units were out of service | 30 |
Availability of toilets
Our trains are fitted with 5 toilets, of which 2 are accessible toilets (1 in First Class and 1 in Standard Class). Our performance for the 2023/24 financial year was:
Performance area | Actual |
Number of toilets out of service | 17 |
Performance area | Actual (Days) |
Length of time that these toilets were out of service | 42 |
5. Customer satisfaction survey
Historically we have monitored customer satisfaction using the National Rail Passenger Survey (NRPS) provided by Transport Focus and information obtained through the Wavelength system operated by the Rail Delivery Group. Since the pandemic NRPS surveys have been suspended, and wavelength feedback has been negligible, but we have now commissioned our own research to understand current customer sentiment.Our January 2024 survey, found an overall satisfaction score of 96%, which during the period when NRPS was commissioned was often an industry leading score.
We also survey customers who have contacted us both pre and post journey using our contact centre, as well as operating a mystery shopping scheme.
6. Complaint handling refunds and compensation
Our Customer Services team is here to correspond with customers who are unhappy with their experience of the service that we provide. Appropriate compensation will be considered on a case by case basis.We will use the customer’s preferred contact method when responding to a complaint.
This team also responds in cases where customers praise our service and also passes on suggestions for changes to services as well as complaints and requests for compensation due to delays.
The number of complaints received from the start of Period 1 (01/04/23) 2023/24 to the end of Period 13 (31/03/24) 2023/24, was 1513 of which 1230 were closed during this period. It should be noted that some complaints are closed after the reporting year has ended, hence the difference in the figure between those received and closed.
The top 5 complaints categories from the start of Period 1 (01/04/23) 2023/24 to the end of Period 13 (31/03/24) 2023/24, are displayed in the table below:
Complaint category | Number of complaints |
Sufficient room for passengers to stand/sit | 424 |
Ticket and refunds policy | 227 |
Punctuality/reliability | 177 |
Facilities on board | 87 |
The helpfulness and attitude of staff on train | 66 |
Of the complaints received in the 2023/24 financial year:
• 95.7% were closed in 10 working days, against a target of 95%.
• 99.9% closure rate within 20 working days, against a target of 95%.
Our average response time for the approximate calendar year was 2.6 days per complaint (59% faster than last year).
In response to the top 5 complaints from the previous year, we’ve undertaken a lot of work to try to reduce these and it should be noted that overall, we saw a huge 24% reduction in complaints year on year. This is testament to the skill and focus on customer service delivery throughout the year by our team and even more praiseworthy noting that our passenger numbers increased by 26% during the same period.
We are continuously reviewing key areas of concern voiced by our passengers and this drives investment for improvement as part of our ongoing business planning process.
7. Assistance
There are 2 options for booking assistance:You can book assistance by either using the online booking form on our Passenger Assist webpage, or by calling our dedicated Passenger Assist line on 0800 316 1323, available 24/7 except Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
For the most effective service, we recommend booking and reserving assistance (by the online booking form or phone) 2 hours before you travel.
Customers who are deaf or hard of hearing can use the Text Relay service by adding the prefix 18001 in front of the Passenger Assist line number. A relay assistant will translate your call to text with the Next Generation Text service. To find out more about this service, visit ngts.org.uk
If pre booking 2 hours in advance is not possible, we ask our customers to arrive at least 20 minutes before departure – this is a non-guaranteed assistance booking.
Comprehensive information about the assistance services we provide and what to expect when travelling with us can be found on our Passenger Assist webpage in our Accessible Travel Policy Passenger Leaflet: Making Rail Accessible.
In the 2023/24 financial year we carried out approximately 3094 booked assistances and 644 unbooked assistances for passengers.
Passenger Information During Disruption

Our Disruption Plan
Along with other UK train operators, we follow the Passenger Information During Disruption (PIDD) principles which is a national initiative used to ensure a consistent approach to providing information during service disruption.
Visit our Customer Information Pledges webpage for details on what you can expect from us during disruption.