If you are looking for assistance you’ve come to the right place. We can help you with refunds, compensation claims, and general feedback. You may find the answer to your query on our FAQs page.

You can contact our Customer Service team here or by calling 0345 071 0222, option 7, then option 4 (0800 – 2200, 7 days a week except Christmas Day & 26th December). Provide your full contact details, as well as copies of any appropriate documents such as tickets, booking confirmations, receipts or anything else relevant to your request.

For Passenger Assist only you can contact us on 0800 316 1323 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except Christmas Day & 26th December when we are open 0800 – 1800).

For Wi-Fi queries, see below or call 0845 193 6783 for help with connectivity on board.

We may take up to 20 working days to respond to any complaints in order that we can provide a full and informed response, although often this will be sooner.  Full details of our process can be found in our Complaints Handling Procedure.
Hull Trains is a member of the Rail Ombudsman scheme, for more information on this please see our Complaints Handling Procedure below.

How We Can Help You

Hull Trains Paragon Station timetables screens

Refunds & Compensation

If you bought a ticket but decided not to travel or were delayed on your journey visit our refunds and compensation page.

Refunds & Compensation
Hull Trains letter writing

Contact Us

Whether want to give us some feedback or just have a question, we’re waiting to hear from you. Our postal address is FREEPOST HULL TRAINS CUSTOMER SERVICES.

How to Get in Touch
Hull Trains eticket on app

Changing Your Ticket

If your plans change, so can your ticket. Easily change the date or time of your Advance ticket via My Account or on the Hull Trains app.

Changing Your Ticket
Hull Trains Paragon seating in standard class


Have a look at our most frequently asked questions to our customer service and social media team.

View Our FAQs
Hull Trains Paragon on board team member walking through carriage

Give Us Feedback

Your feedback is important to us, so whether you thought your journey with Hull Trains was brilliant, or whether it could be improved, we want to hear from you!

Share Your Feedback
Hull Trains paragon fleet first class close up of headrest

How Are We Performing?

At Hull Trains we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible rail service. Our commitment to our customers is our main priority.

Our Performance
Hull Trains Paragon passengers boarding the train

Complaints Policy

Our Complaints Handling Procedure outlines the standard of service you can expect from us. For more details about the Rail Ombudsman, please click below.

Complaints Policy
Hull Trains Paragon logo on the side of the train

Passenger Assist

Call on 0800 316 1323 or Text Relay on 18001 0800 316 1323. You can also book your Passenger Assistance online.

Book Passenger Assist
Hull Trains Paragon overhead storage for suitcases and luggage

Lost Property

All items left onboard Hull Trains services are returned to Hull Station. Please get in touch via MissingX to locate your item.

Lost Property Details
Hull Trains on board team member

Passengers' Charter

Our Passengers' Charter outlines the standard of service that you can expect from us, in line with the National Rail Conditions of Travel.

View our Charter
Hull Trains London station crowd

Customer Information Pledges

These pledges are in place to ensure consistency between operators in providing information and updates during disruption.

View our Pledges

Wi-Fi Information

Woman using mobile phone

Using our Wi-Fi on board

Our free Wi-Fi allows you to connect to the internet for your whole journey, by turning the train into a 4G-enabled ‘hotspot’, so you can get online when on board.

If you lose connection at any point, you can resume your session by going back to the entry portal and logging in with your email and password. If the landing page does not appear automatically, please visit hulltrains.on.icomera.com. If you can’t get your computer settings to configure to the Hull Trains Wi-Fi service, it is likely that your Wi-Fi or Internet settings are or have been locked, especially if you have a company device. Please contact your company IT department for assistance and then try again. For any help and assistance with your Wi-Fi connection on board, please call 0845 193 6783.


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Hull Trains services are now open until:
  • 05 September 2025 Weekdays
  • 06 September 2025 Saturdays
  • 07 September 2025 Sundays
  • Exclusions may apply, click below for details.